Night Stalkers (DD)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,742 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 18:06:48 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

A tip had rolled in. There was supposed to be a major deal involving stolen Pokemon. A group of pirates were going to sell a haul of Pokemon stolen off of a cruise liner they recently attacked. No word was given about the hostages taken.

Acting on this tip, and were to conduct surveillance on the area where it was supposed to go down. Setting up the cameras was easy, thanks to the Marshadow Thomas brought along with him. The Gloomdweller was able to stealthily plant the cameras in each entrance, his Porygon acting to bring them online, and defend them from any attacks from rival Porygon.

Inside of a shipping crate that acted as their command center, and hiding spot, Thomas sat on a stool. The man's eyes were on the wall of monitors set up, one linked to each spy camera.

The Kalosian, who had recently turned himself into the League for his actions as the Wraith, cracked open a thermos containing coffee. The Kalosian poured some of its contents into a disposable cup.

"Want some? I brought extra cups.", Thomas offered the HBIC agent that was overseeing the mission, and him.

notes: Mission - All Nighter

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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 17:38:18 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Gunner did not know much about . Of course, he had read the man's file. Former Elite Four member, former Avatar of Yveltal, and—apparently—a former vigilante. But they had never crossed paths before, even if their goals aligned.[break][break]

Suffice to say, Gunner did not know what to expect. had pardoned Thomas and allowed him to join the HBIC on a probationary period. And certainly, a man such as Thomas was a great asset to the Bureau.[break][break]

But that did not make Gunner trust him. Not yet.[break][break]

"Sure. Thank you," he said at the offer of coffee. At least he could be polite, even if he didn't feel like being friendly.[break][break]

Gunner turned his gaze to the wall of monitors. At his side, his Zoroark crouched in wait; five other Pokéballs adorned his belt.[break][break]

"We still have a bit of time before they're scheduled to arrive."





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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,742 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 1:27:46 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas took note of the presence of the Zoroark at Gunner's side. The man had taste, he'd give him that. Unlike Gunner, the remaining four Pokeballs Thomas brought with him were laid out on a table, closer to Gunner than they were to Thomas. The man also lacked any sort of weaponry on him, a condition of his probation.

Thomas poured the supervising agent a cup of coffee in a disposable cup, placing it on the table for the man to grab. Not that Thomas dreamed of doing anything funny.

Thomas drank the coffee first, to show Gunner that the brew was safe.

"We all know our friends at Rocket. But who are these other assholes, exactly?", Thomas inquired. "I know they're a group of pirates, typically attack cruise liners, pillaging what they can. Heard they made off with the Pokemon owned by the staff and guests, but not what happened to said staff and guests.", he'd add.

notes: tl;dr

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played by


he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 14:06:24 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Gunner picked up the coffee and waited for Thomas to sip from his own cup before taking a drink. It was a bit too bitter for his taste, but black coffee on a stakeout was part of the ritual.[break][break]

"The dynamics between criminal factions is more complicated than one would think," Gunner mused aloud. "Team Rocket is obviously the biggest annoyance, but they'll allow smaller groups if it suits them."[break][break]

Another sip. He focused his gaze on the monitors, watching the silent, dark harbor.[break][break]

"These pirates—I wouldn't be surprised if they were in Team Rocket's pocket. Obtaining Pokémon for their smuggling operations, that sort of thing."[break][break]

Motion from one of the screens caught his eye. A small, sleek boat pulled up to one of the piers.[break][break]

"Look," Gunner said, pointing with his free hand. "Is that them?" If so, the pirates were early.





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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,742 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 15:14:47 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Unlike Gunner, Thomas enjoyed his coffee black and bitter.

"That tracks with what I'd gathered over the years, actually.", he'd tell Gunner. "About a month after died in his failed attempt on Verdanturf, someone had been running roughshod over Hoenn's underworld. Smaller gangs in major cities, especially Rustboro, either got wiped out, faced a change in management, or managed to come out unscathed. Such activity has continued, to this day. I think someone's building a monopoly.", he'd remark.

The idea that they'd employ pirates to steal Pokemon on the seas was not a shocking one to the former vigilante.

Thomas took notice to the boat appearing on the monitors.

"Think they might be onto us?", Thomas asked, paranoia setting in. If that were the case, his Marshadow would certainly alert them. And he was confident Gunner's Zoroark would cover them via misdirection. All Thomas could do was observe the situation.

A small group of pirates would exit the boat, and step onto the dock. One pirate at the center of the group stood out among the rest, either the captain of the group, or someone just below the captain.

notes: tl;dr

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played by


he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 0:21:32 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Gunner frowned at Thomas' recollection. Smaller gangs were not the purview of the HBIC, as they left those matters to local police departments most of the time. But the story was neither new nor unexpected. When it came to criminals, whoever held power over a territory or business made the rules.[break][break]

The pirates on the screens did not seem to notice the cameras pointed at them. Instead, the shadowed figures milled about the dock, chatting with each other and laughing. Unfortunately, the nearest cameras weren't picking up their conversation.[break][break]

"I don't think so."[break][break]

Gunner wished he could arrest them on the spot, but he and Thomas had been instructed to observe. A bust could come later once they had more intel.[break][break]

And besides, nothing they were doing suggested criminal activity. Not yet, anyway.





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[newclass=".gunner3 .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,742 posts
part of
TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 5:02:11 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Despite Thomas' paranoia, it seemed that the pirates really failed to notice the cameras. The group seemed to just be joking amongst one another. Thomas was frustrated with the fact that the microphones weren't picking up their conversation. While it could be written off as unimportant banter, they could've been discussing the latest raid.

All Thomas could do was stay seated in his chair, watching the pirates mill about on camera, while waiting for the other party to show. Thomas poured himself another cup of coffee, drinking it down quickly.

He just hoped that when they started talking business, the mics actually picked up their conversation.

"How's Garm, by the way?", Thomas asked Gunner, while keeping his eyes on the monitor feed.

notes: reference

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played by


he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 13:38:14 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

"Garm?" Gunner tried to remember if he knew an agent by that name. The hazy face of a black-haired youth swam into his mind's eye. "Oh, he's fine. Fully recovered from his imprisonment and back to doing intel gathering, just like us."[break][break]

New movement on the monitors drew Gunner's attention as a truck drove up to the pier. This time, the microphones on the hidden cameras picked up the sound of its engine rumbling. Car doors slammed as unknown individuals stepped out of the car.[break][break]

The people from the boat approached them.[break][break]

"Got the shipment for tonight?"[break][break]

"Yeah man, a whole cruise liner full of 'em. Mostly untrained shit but that's perfect for buyers."[break][break]

"All right, I'll get the truck open."

"Here we go," Gunner said, putting down his empty cup of coffee. At his side, Mordred shifted on his haunches, anticipating a fight. "Ready?"





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[newclass=".gunner3 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunner3 .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,742 posts
part of
TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 0:36:08 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"Good to hear.", he'd reply to the Agent. Both that the escapee was fine, and that he wasn't bullshitting him about being a part of the HBIC. He could only hope that whatever happened, Garm would be more careful.

As the truck pulled in, Thomas listened intently. Confirmation that the pirates had indeed gained the Pokemon from a cruise liner they raided. The very recordings that were being saved, and ready to be shipped out as evidence.

"Yeah.", he'd answer Gunner.

Thomas grabbed his belt with the four remaining Pokeballs on them, quickly attaching them to his person. His Marshadow was lurking in the shadows near where the deal was going down, ready to spring, once the time was right.

notes: tl;dr

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played by


he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 14:17:26 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

As Gunner and Thomas stepped out of the shipping container, Mordred cloaked them in the illusion of fog. It spread out across the pier, masking their movements as they approached the truck.[break][break]

"Damn, where'd this fog come from?" one of the pirates wondered.[break][break]

Another one hauled a crate with a slumbering Eevee inside. "Hurry. I don't wanna be here if some wild Pokémon's appeared to come eat us."[break][break]

"C'mon, don't be such a coward. It's just a little fog."[break][break]

The criminals never saw what hit them.





[newclass=".gunner3"]--accent:#D8AD43;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".gunner3 .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunner3 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunner3 .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,500 posts
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spiral and shiv's baby
Night Stalkers (DD)
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 4:01:44 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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